No Space Left On Device Error

No Space Left On Device ErrorError
I am having trouble re installing Slackware linux 9.1. I installed it about a 2 weeks ago from cd rom and it worked fine, i really liked it. However i had to uninstall it for complicated reasons and now on reinstalled I am having serious problems with my install. I make linux and swap partions in partition magic and then reboot from CD rom, all is well, then i run setup and it finds my partitions just fine, when i start installing packages it goes fine through the first 3 or 4 and then I get this error:
'/usr/lib/setup/installpkg: cannot create /mnt/var/log/setup/tmp/controlns2354 no space left on device'
This is the error i get in the bash, just after this error apears setup gives me a similar error saying that the file coreutilties is corupt or the media is corrupt. I found this hard to believe as i had installed from the same disks only 2 weeks ago, but i decided to try making new disk so i re downloaded the iso's and made new disk, going through the process again resulted in the exact same error. I also tryed partitioning the drive using cfdisk with the same results. I know their is enough space on the disk, and i have tried numerous different methods, all resulting in the same error. Could someone please help me, i have looked everywhere else for help with no one seeming to experience this error. Thanks

I submitted an Apache Spark application to an Amazon EMR cluster. The application fails with a 'no space left on device' stage failure like this:

So, you spend hours debugging, as we did some time ago, just to find out the “No Space Left On Device” error? It doesn’t matter what you do; the error keeps to pop out. If your disk is really full, then it is an easy problem to solve. Just clean it up. Upon startup of Linux database get ORA-27102: out of memory Linux-X8664 Error: 28: No space left on device (Doc ID 301830.1) Last updated on AUGUST 04, 2018. Applies to: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms. Getting error: 'ALSA device 'default' is already in use by another program.' Brynjarh: Debian: 7: 12:45 PM 'no space left on device', but there is! Drowstar: Linux - General: 4: 05:44 AM: OpenOffice incomplete: 'no space left' CPUguy387: Linux - Software: 1: 09:45 AM: USB storage device works in 2.4 not 2.6 'no. Re: SOLVED UEFI Grub install problem: no space left on device ^ Yes, copying grubx64.efi to bootx64.efi is probably the safest technique. Arch Linux Help Guide. How to report bugs effectively. To understand how Docker uses the Logical Volume Management (LVM) device, see Version 2015.09.d and Later. Resolution To see how much storage you have available for Docker ( dev/xvdcz ), see AMI Storage Configuration and follow the instructions in To determine the available storage for Docker.

Short Description

Spark uses local disks on the core and task nodes to store intermediate data. If the disks run out of space, the job fails with a 'no space left on device' error. Use one of the following methods to resolve this error:

  • Add more Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) capacity.
  • Add more Spark partitions.
  • Use a bootstrap action to dynamically scale up storage on the core and task nodes. For more information and a recommended bootstrap action script, see Dynamically scale up storage on Amazon EMR clusters.


No Space Left On Device Error

Add more EBS capacity

For new clusters: use larger EBS volumes

No Space Left On Device Error In Denodo

Launch an Amazon EMR cluster and choose an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance type with larger EBS volumes. For more information about the amount of storage and number of volumes allocated for each instance type, see Default EBS Storage for Instances.

For running clusters: add more EBS volumes

1. If larger EBS volumes don't resolve the problem, attach more EBS volumes to the core and task nodes.

2. Format and mount the attached volumes. Be sure to use the correct disk number (for example, /mnt1 or /mnt2 instead of /data).

3. Connect to the node using SSH.

4. Create a /mnt2/yarn directory, and thenset ownership of the directory to the YARN user:

No Space Left On Device Error Reduction

5. Add the /mnt2/yarn directory inside the yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs property of /etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml. Example:


No Space Left On Device Error Download

6. Restart the NodeManager service:

Add more Spark partitions

Depending on how many core and task nodes are in the cluster, consider increasing the number of Spark partitions. Use the following Scala code to add more Spark partitions:

No space left on device error

Related Information

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Anything we could improve?

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