Kotor 2 No Sound

Hjelloez o/
Have that problem when Streaming Good ol Rpg Kotor 2 from Obsidian Entertainment. Yes the crew that made great Pillars of Eternity not long ago :) Using Settings that work with other Products that have in my Twitch library. I deleted the 10mins clip from twitch, but have this brief Recorded clip to link. Pic not following happens when in FS or Windowed mode. FS been common problem in Kotor 2 & was for me 2, but last night got the FS working.
It closes down to toolbar after Obsidian Entertainment logo appears, but last night was able to get it open when clicked there. Was 2nd time & few times couldn't so had to use Windowed mode by editing .ini file. I prefer FS mode so hoping that always can reopen it if minimized.
Log file from that session: https://gist.github.com/7629047cbaac3053792433842f1ac66f
Assistance Required.
Kind Regards: Pc Gamer.

Playing a JK on server Mask of Nihilus on Nar Shadaa when the sound cut out. Only affected the game itself, everything else on the computer produced sound without issue. Restarted the client - Sound from launcher, but not from the game. Restarted Computer - No effect. Updated Audio Drivers - No effect. Graphics Card was already up to date. Dec 24, 2012 So I've had KoTOR TSL for a long time now, the retail version, and I decided to buy it today on Steam. Because switching 4 CDs around is annoying and it's on sale. Either way, I have an issue where there's no sound what-so-ever with the Steam version while the CD/Retail version worked perfectly fine. Has anyone had this issue or is there anyone who knows of a fix?

Kotor 2 Cutscene No Sound

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords is the sequel to the acclaimed Knights of the Old Republic. It’s set in the Star Wars universe five years after the ending of the first game.

You follow the story of a Jedi who was exiled from the Jedi Order. The Order was almost wiped out by the Sith and you wake from unconsciousness with a mission to seek out the last few remaining Jedi.

Gameplay mechanics are virtually the same as Knights of the Old Republic although there are some notable additions such as the option to choose a fighting style while wielding a lightsabre. The mini-games of the first game are back, including swoop bike racing and Pazaak.

The full Knights of the Old Republic 2 walkthrough includes the original content plus the Restored Content mod which adds much more content that was left out in the original release.

Kotor 2 No Sound

Steam Kotor No Sound

Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords was released in 2004, one year after the release of the original game, Knights of the Old Republic. It received positive reviews after it’s release although the game was left unfinished as LucasArts forced the developers, Obsidian, to finish the game within 16 months. This unfortunately meant that not only where there many bugs but that large sections of the content had to be cut from the game.

Kotor 2 No Sound Effect

Star Wars fans got together and released a mod for KOTOR 2 called the Restored Content Mod. It cleared up around 500 bugs and added much more content. The walkthrough above assumes you have the Restored Content mod for KOTOR 2 installed.