Asterisk Call File Example

Asterisk will notice and immediately call the indicated channel and connect it to the specified extension at the priority specified in the call file. If the modification date on the call file is in the future, Asterisk will wait until the modification date arrives before executing the call file. Example: See “” Syntax of call files. Asterisk File Locations (debian). /etc/asterisk/ - Asterisk configuration files. /var/lib/asterisk/ - contains the astdb, firmware and keys. /usr/share/asterisk/sounds - in built asterisk sound prompts. /var/spool/asterisk/ - temporary files and voicemail files. /var/log/asterisk/ - Asterisk log files.

Rules and Examples

The asterisk is a punctuation mark that looks like a little star ( * ).

The asterisk is made on your keyboard by holding the SHIFT key and pressing the 8 on the top number line.
We use the asterisk in English writing to show that a footnote, reference or comment has been added to the original text.


Many people incorrectly pronounce (say) the word 'asterisk.'
The word 'asterisk' is pronounced 'aste-risk.'

Word Origin

The word 'asterisk' comes from the Latin word 'asteriscus' and the Greek word 'asterikos' meaning 'little star.'
The asterisk was first used in printing and writing in the early 1600s.

Asterisk Call File Example Excel

Uses of the asterisk

1. Use an asterisk or asterisks to indicate a footnote at the bottom of the page.

  • A footnote is an explanation or a comment at the bottom of a page that refers back to a specific part of the text.
  • If there are multiple footnotes (more than one), use one asterisk for the first footnote, two asterisks for the second and so on.
    *first footnote
    **second footnote
    ***third footnote
  • Be sure that footnotes at the bottom of the page match the asterisks in the original text.

There are many forms of punctuation in the English language. Three common forms of end punctuation are the period, question mark and exclamation mark.
The period is used as the end of a sentence that is a command or a statement.* The period tells the reader that the sentence has ended.

CallThe question mark ends sentences that are written as questions. These sentences may begin with words such as why, how, when, where or what.
The exclamation mark is used at the end of sentences to give emphasis or show excitement.**
(There are two footnotes, or comments, added to this text. The two footnotes are then explained at the bottom of the page.)

Asterisk Call File Example Template

*The period is also called 'full stop' because it tells the reader that the sentence has ended.
**The exclamation mark is also called an exclamation point.

2. Use an asterisk in advertisements to indicate there is extra information.

25% off
Today Only!*

*discount is good in-store and online

Get a new mobile phone in November for only $29.99*

*price is for new customers only

These were the uses of the asterisk. Now that you know them, it is time to practice! Read and do exercises.