Eumex 401 Installation Software


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Install the Taleo Connect Client on Windows to easily create export and import configurations. Then, install the client on the Oracle Java Cloud Service host to trigger export and import jobs from a scheduled integration.

About the Taleo Connect Client

The Taleo Connect Client is the client-side portion of Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service that resides in your environment. It enables you to build and execute your own integration processes.

The integration engine is powerful and flexible. The integration engine can communicate with the Taleo environment using multiple file formats. The Taleo Connect Client communicates with Taleo products using proprietary Taleo message formats that are based on industry standards such as XML, SOAP, and Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing). The Taleo Connect Client also supports custom message formats through client-side or server-side transformations because client-side systems may require their own message formats.

The Taleo Connect Client shields you from the complexity of the asynchronous integration process, and provides you a synchronous-like behavior that can integrate into other business processes.

We recommend installing the Taleo Connect Client on Windows first, to take advantage of the drag-and-drop features in the GUI when you create export and import configurations. With a few simple edits, you can migrate these files to your Oracle Java Cloud Service host, where you install the Linux version of Taleo Connect Client.

Download the Taleo Connect Client for Windows and Linux

Download the installation files for the Taleo Connect Client for both Windows and UNIX/Linux systems from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

This task was written for version 17A of Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service. Make appropriate substitutions for the version you’re using.

Free Installation Software

  1. Sign in to Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
  2. In the search field, enter Oracle Taleo
  3. From the drop-down list, select Oracle Taleo Platform Cloud Service - Connect, and then click the link for your Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service release.
  4. Click the Selected Software link.
  5. In the Selected Software box, select All, and then click Continue.
  6. Read and agree to the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions, and then click Continue.
  7. Download the following files for your Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service release, and then extract their contents:
    • Taleo Connect Client Application Data Model for Microsoft Windows

    • Taleo Connect Client Application Installer for Microsoft Windows

    • Taleo Connect Client Data Model for Unix-Based Systems

    • Taleo Connect Client Application Installer for Unix-Based Systems

Install the Taleo Connect Client on Windows

Install the Taleo Connect Client to a Windows system first to make it easier to create export and import configurations.

  1. Run the Taleo Connect Client Data Model installer. When you’re prompted, install the data model here: C:Taleo Connect ClientProductIntegrationPack. Click Next, and then click Install.
  2. Run the Taleo Connect Client installer.
  3. If you are using an encryption key server to encrypt the Taleo Connect Client passwords, then enter the server’s address and port. Otherwise, leave the Address and Port fields empty. Click Next.
  4. Enter C:Taleo Connect ClientProductIntegrationPack as the location where the Product Packs (PIP) files are installed, and then click Next.
  5. Accept the default values on the remaining installation wizard pages, and install the Taleo Connect Client. When the installation is complete, start the Taleo Connect Client.
  6. From the Product list, select Recruiting 17 or the Recruting option that matches your Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service release.
  7. In the Endpoint section, specify the protocol used to reach your Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service instance (HTTP or HTTPS), and then enter the host and port numbers.
  8. In the Authentication section, enter the required sign in details.
  9. Click Ping.
The Taleo Connect Client opens if all the information you entered is correct.

Create an Export Specification

Create an export specification to define which information from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service is written to a file when an export job is triggered.

The export specification you create should match the shape of your Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service candidate records and your workflow. Projections determine the information exported for accepted candidates; filters determine which candidate records are exported.

The data shown is provided for illustrative purposes and may not apply to your implementation.

  1. Create an export folder in the Taleo Connect Client directory: C:Taleo Connect Clientexport.
  2. In the Taleo Connect Client, expand the File menu, select New, and then select New Export Wizard.
  3. From the drop-down list, select Recruiting Version, where Version matches the version of the service you use.
  4. In the Filter field, enter the letter c, and then select Candidate.
  5. Ensure that Create new export is selected, and then click Finish.
  6. Click Entity, and then click the General tab.
  7. Ensure that the Locale is set to English. From the Export mode list, select CSV-report, and then select the CSV header present option.
  8. Select the CSV value delimiter option, and then enter a comma (,).
  9. Select the CSV quotation character option, and then enter a quotation mark ().
  10. Click the Projections tab. Drag Number from Entity Structure to the Projections list.
  11. Drag FirstName element from Entity Structure to the bottom of the Projections list.
  12. Drag LastName from Entity Structure to the bottom of the Projections list.
  13. Drag EmailAddress from Entity Structure to the bottom of the Projections list.
  14. Drag City from Entity Structure to the bottom of the Projections list.
  15. Drag Zip Code from Entity Structure to the bottom of the Projections list.
  16. Click the Filters tab, and then click Add. From the Operator list, select Is null, and then click OK.
  17. In the Filters list, click Filter (IsNull). In the Value field, enter EmployeeNumber. Verify that the data type is String.
  18. Click Add. From the Operator list, select Is not null, and then click OK.
  19. In the Filters list, click Filter (IsNotNull). In the Value field, enter History,ApplicationTrackingOfferItem.Offer,AcceptedDate. Verify that the data type is Date/Time.
  20. Save the export specification with this file name at this location: C:Taleo Connect ClientexportTCC-Candidate-export_sq.xml.

Create an Export Configuration

Create an export configuration to define the workflow that exports information from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service.

  1. In the Taleo Connect Client, expand the File menu, select New, and then select New Configuration Wizard.
  2. Select Based on an export specification, and then select the export configuration you just created: C:Taleo Connect ClientexportTCC-Candidate-export_sq.xml.
  3. Click Next, and then click Finish.
  4. In the Request section, ensure that the Pre-defined value option is selected. In the File field, enter /home/tcc/tcc/exportdef/TCC-Candidate-export_sq.xml.
  5. In the Response section, ensure that the No File Needed option is selected.
  6. Save the export specification with this file name at this location: C:Taleo Connect ClientexportTCC-Candidate-export_cfg.xml.

Create an Import Specification

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Create an import specification to define how information is brought into Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service when an import job is triggered.

  1. Create an import folder in the Taleo Connect Client directory: C:Taleo Connect Clientimport.
  2. In the Taleo Connect Client, expand the File menu, select New, and then select New Import Wizard.
  3. From the drop-down list, select Recruiting Version, where Version matches the version of the service you use.
  4. In the Filter field, enter c, and then select Candidate.
  5. From the Operations list, select merge, and then click Finish.
  6. Deselect the Header present option.
  7. Click the Columns tab. Drag the Number element from Entity Structure to the Columns list.
  8. Drag the EmployeeNumber element from Entity Structure to the Columns list.
  9. Save the import specification with this file name at this location: C:Taleo Connect ClientimportTCC-EBSUpdate-Import_Id.xml.

Create an Import Configuration

Create an import configuration to define the workflow that imports information into Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service.

  1. In the Taleo Connect Client, expand the File menu, select New, and then select New Configuration Wizard.
  2. Select Based on an import specification, and then select the import configuration you just created: C:Taleo Connect ClientimportTCC-EBSUpdate-Import_ld.xml.
  3. Click Next, and then click Finish.
  4. In the Request section, ensure that the Pre-defined value option is selected. In the File field, enter /home/tcc/tcc/ebsexport/TCCImportFile.csv.
  5. In the Request section, ensure that the Generated using an identifier option is selected. In the Folder field, enter /home/tcc/tcc/exportdata. In the Identifier field, enter Candidate.
  6. Save the export specification with this file name at this location: C:Taleo Connect ClientimportTCC_EBSUpdate_cfg.xml.

Install the Taleo Connect Client on Oracle Java Cloud Service

Eumex 401 Konfigurieren Software

Install the Taleo Connect Client and the data model on the Oracle Java Cloud Service host.

Eumex 401 Installation Software Download

Eumex 401 installation software developer

Software Installer

  1. Use WinSCP to copy the Taleo Connect Client installer for UNIX/Linux to the home directory of your tcc user on the Oracle Java Cloud Service host: /home/tcc/
  2. Copy the Taleo Connect Client Data Model installer for UNIX/Linux to the home directory of your tcc user on the Oracle Java Cloud Service host.
  3. Use PuTTY to sign in to the Oracle Java Cloud Service host as the tcc user
  4. Extract the Taleo Connect Client:
  5. Rename the extracted directory to tcc:
  6. Create a featurepacks directory in the tcc directory:
  7. Extract the Taleo Connect Client data model into the tcc/featurepacks directory:
  8. Open the Taleo Connect Client script in a text editor:
  9. Add the following property (in bold) to the ${TCC_PARAMETERS} section in the script, and then save and close the file.